@article{oai:shikoku-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000238, author = {田中, 宏 and Tanaka, Hiroshi}, month = {Dec}, note = {Since the nineteen-eighties, the manufacturing industries in our country, especially the automobile industries, have been keeping up development by the mighty competitive force, owing to the establishment and application of the Lean production system, which is exemplified by the Toyota Production System. However, the automobile industries in our country are presently faced with a major turning point through these developing period for past twenty years. In the twenty-first century, it will be necessary to construct a new production system balanced between productivity and humanity, and the environment. In this paper, I would like to discuss these themes at present and for the future, paying attention to the recent revolution of production systems in the automobile industry under the above-mentioned conditions., 7, KJ00000202983, 研究論文, GENERAL STUDY}, pages = {65--71}, title = {新しい世代を指向する生産システムの変革 : 自動車産業に見る生産性と人間性尊重の協調システム}, volume = {5}, year = {1999}, yomi = {タナカ, ヒロシ} }