@article{oai:shikoku-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000271, author = {清水, 啓介 and SHIMIZU, Keisuke}, month = {Dec}, note = {In this paper, I examin the logical relationship between accounting for the impairment of fixed assets and historical cost basis accounting. In my opinion, there are two theories underlying historical cost basis accounting. One is the residual usefullness theory. The other is the invested fund theory. Accounting for the impairment of fixed assets differs depending on the theory underlying historical cost basis accounting. Accounting standards for impairment of fixed assets depends on residual usefullness theory. I think, however, that residual usefullness theory is not appropriate as a theory underlying historical cost basis accounting., 8, KJ00004243005, 研究論文, GENERAL STUDY}, pages = {53--59}, title = {減損会計と取得原価主義会計の論理}, volume = {9}, year = {2003}, yomi = {シミズ, ケイスケ} }