@article{oai:shikoku-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000297, author = {村井, 礼 and 尾崎, 圭司 and 細川, 康輝 and 戸川, 聡 and MURAI, Hiroshi and OZAKI, Keiji and HOSOKAWA, Yasuteru and TOGAWA, Satoshi}, month = {Dec}, note = {We will experience a real ubiquitous networking in 2005. The ubiquitous network will provide us with a convenient service for education. We should develop an original system and introduce it as soon as possible, because the system has an important role in university management. We started to develop the original ubiquitous campus system in 2004. The proposed system consists of three sub-systems based on the T-Engine technique: 1)a database management system named T 3 that works on the T-Kernel. 2)a human interface system built by microscript on the BTRON operating system, and 3 )an optical ID system using printing devices intended to decrease production costs., 24, KJ00004130027, 研究論文 一般, GENERAL STUDY}, pages = {233--240}, title = {四国大学附属経営情報研究所におけるTRONプロジェクト : ユビキタスキャンパスの構築を目指して}, volume = {10}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ムライ, ヒロシ and オザキ, ケイジ and ホソカワ, ヤステル and トガワ, サトシ} }